Sunday, December 9, 2012


I passed judgment to others even if only in my thoughts, but in the mind of God I judged. My judgment stuck in my brain I didn’t dare to say sorry to God, I thought it was okay because nobody knew it. When the day came when I was also being judged with the same thing I was hurt and I realized that God wasn’t pleased of my thoughts.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I joined painting competition many times before but I failed, yes I failed- I considered it a failure because I didn’t win, if not rejected.  I was angry and hated God for a while. But I came back to my senses and I asked forgiveness. I asked Him why? I’ve found the answer only now when I’m beginning to be closer to God. He let me understand the difference between presumption and faith. I was just too proud, presumptuous and I believed my self’s capability not God.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I was frightened when the man whom I considered as my protector died. I didn’t know what to do that time. His death was a wake up call to me and the beginning of my first lesson on “How to be closer to Jesus Christ.”

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I was just like a child learning how to walk.  I walked, I stumbled, Jesus picked me up then I walked again, and then stumbled again...and again...  Jesus’ Fountain of Mercy poured upon me even if I was a worst sinner.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


There was a moment when I felt so down and empty that I hardly moved around the house. I was even too lazy to do my art works.  I looked at the image of Jesus of the Divine Mercy that I pasted on the entrance door.  I asked HIM to inspire me because I was wearing out already. That night in just a few seconds when I closed the entrance door I heard a little voice outside crying. I found out it was a kitten. He was an ugly kitten because his head and legs were small and thin and his paws were large, his body was round. He looked like a kiwi to me, but I still welcomed him. He made different tricks that made me laugh and my weariness just disappeared. I thank the Divine Mercy for granting my prayer.

Sick Soul

 I thought that my one hour a day physical exercise was an awesome routine that I would never missed... didn’t I have time for Jesus? Yes I had, but not enough.  When I offered prayers to Jesus it must be done quickly because I didn’t want to miss my exercise. See how I treated Jesus unfairly? To the eyes of man I was good and physically fit but to the eyes of God I had a sick soul. My soul couldn’t breathe well because of my sins.